Liam Muller

BS of CS @ RIT

Remote - EST

Get to Know Me

Coding is fun and all. And while I do spend a good amount of time on my personal projects, I also love music, movies, and games. Click below to let me recommend you something I've been listening to, watching, or playing.

Otherwise, feel free to skip to the experience.

Personal Projects

2018 - Present


A web app to track and manage gifts for friends and family birthday and Christmas. Built to work offline and local first, this project uses dexie.js and service workers to cache data and work offline.

Pokedoku Trainer2024

A fun quiz game to test your knowledge of Pokemon types. Inspired by, this project trains you to be ready for your next puzzle.


A book club app for people to read and experience their favorite books together with a strong focus on spoiler protection and discussions.

Is Andor Good?2022

A quick and fun blog built with Astro to "review" each episode of Andor. Share the link of any of the reviews to reveal the answer to the question "is Andor good?" without having to open it up.


A place for people to consolidate their media recommendations. This project was based off of the recommendation section above and the Now Playing popup.


A UI / UX test and overhaul of Raidr with a focus on a user's profile over their schedule. This was a project to experiment with design and user interactions within the familiar space of Raidr.

Hubworld Pulse2020

A distilled version of Raidr. Rather than scheduling full games with friends that requires a time, game, and invite; Hubworld Pulse simply shows who is currently online and looking the play.

Boda Boys2020

A fun site for me and my friends to keep track of our progress clearing a local puzzle / escape room franchise. With 15+ different rooms and an achievement to beat them all in a day, we wanted a way to keep notes and track our successes.
The site is live for the three of us, but in order to respect the spirit of Boda Borg I am not posting the link to the quest solutions here.


App to schedule and manage online game sessions with friends. Pick a time, game, and friends to send an invite. Each gametime could have socials attached so people could know which chatroom to be in or what streaming service it would be live on.

Fortnite Viewer2018

An application that allows users to see the current Fortnite store, challenges, and upcoming items. Also allows users to be notified via push notification when certain items return to the store.

PUBG Viewer2018

A full stat tracker application for Player Unknown's Battlegrounds. Allow players to track their stats in each game mode throughout different seasons. Also allow users to breakdown their matches: from individual firefights, to their pathing throughout the whole match.



2021 - Present

Pet HealthSoftware Engineer III

Helping to create more accessible, standardized, and cheaper medicine for pets.

Endurance International Group

2019 - 2021

Creativ.eMailSoftware Engineer

A WordPress Email Marketing solution - Creativ.eMail is supported by a simple and intelligent email editor inspired by WebsiteBuilder's website editor. Includes insight tools, automations, and social integrations.

WebsiteBuilderSoftware Engineer

A collection of tools meant to support small business in the web landscape. Main focus is on creating a website with the easy and intelligent editor, but focus also expands to domains, insights, email, social presence, logos, etc.

EagleDream Technologies

2017 - 2019

Constellation BrandsSoftware Engineer

Internal enterprise-level order processing portal used by one of the largest North American distributor of wine and spirits.

MonroSoftware Engineer

Multiple web applications from customer facing appointment scheduling, to internal reporting tools.

University of RochesterSoftware Engineer

Administrative portal for managing security audits and vendor clearance and approval.